Friday, August 14, 2009

How to live an immune healthy lifestyle

So I've talked about what the immune system is, what to eat and drink in order to strengthen it, things to be cautious of, and mentioned a great product I found. Today I decided to discuss what lifestyle choices will help you to avoid catching those nasty bugs that assist you in catching a cold. First and foremost, GET ENOUGH SLEEP. As a kid, my mom never wanted to let me have sleepovers because she said "you'll get sick if you don't get enough rest." I always thought that was just a threat and a way to shut me up about having friends over. Turns out my mom was right! (As always.) It is proven that your immune system is greatly compromised when your body is stressed and/or tired. Also, daily exercise can do a lot to strengthen your natural defenses. However, over exercise or stress can have a negative effect so don't go overboard! Finally, the best way to help your body fight disease is to keep disease away in the first place. Proper hand hygiene and disinfecting "germy" areas around your house are the best ways to avoid allowing bacteria into your body. Wash or sanitize your hands before every meal, after using the restroom, after touching pets, and at various times throughout the day. I've started carrying hand sanitizer with me everywhere I go, and by the way, I still haven't gotten sick :) 

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