Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Immune Boosting Foods

I've started being more conscious about the foods I'm eating, and trying to eat things that will strengthen my immune system and keep me healthy. I found that there are specific vitamins and minerals that are particularly useful immune boosters. These include, vitamin E, Beta-Carotene vitamin C, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Zinc. All of these foods help increase your number of white bloods cells which, as I learned last week, are your body's main defense against the common cold. In order to obtain a good amount of foods, I eat a wide variety of types and colors of foods. Green tea, oysters, red bell peppers, fish, yogurt, pumpkin, oregano, broccoli, garlic, and tomatoes are just a few foods that are great for your body. 
The main thing to look for is a variety of colors in your foods. This doesn't mean get different flavored popsicles or taffy. It has to be the natural occurring color. Assorted berries are one of the best things to eat because their rich colors mean rich antioxidants and nutrients. Cooks in Asia often add ingredients to their dishes strictly for the color. Although they do it for beauty, we should practice the same habit for our immune system health!

Friday, July 17, 2009

So What is an Immune System?

I decided to research first about what the immune system actually is, and I found some information from Jodi Moore:
The immune system is made up of a complex network of cells and organs that protect the body from infection. Its main function is to keep harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses out of the body, or prevent them from negatively affecting our health.  The most important part of the immune system is the leukocytes, or white blood cells. There are B-cells, which recognize intruders, and T-cells, which are sent by the B-cells to kill germs that are harmful to our bodies. The amazing thing about these cells are that they can actually remember the best ways to fight off particular germs! This is why we usually don't get sick with diseases like chicken pox more than once.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Immune System Health?

I always hear about things that boost your immune system health and how to keep your immune system healthy. Frankly, I've never really paid too much attention or thought strengthening my immune system would make any real difference in how often I get the common cold. To me, it seems like everybody has to get their "yearly flu" then you get over it. No big deal. However, with the swine flu scare I decided maybe this year would be a good one to NOT get the flu. So I'll be doing some research on the best ways to strengthen your immune system and keeping you posted on how long I can avoid catching the flu this year.